
Consciousness should be thought of as a tiny candle in a vast darkness that could easily go out. We should do anything possible to keep that flame alive.

Elon Musk



Transcribing eligible data into event format, both online and physical, by means of socio-cultural/professional, ethical and eventually religious activities on a selective basis or temporal appropriateness.

Sustainability actions keybase, we serve the public scientific conversation by the production of events and campaigns for B2P as well as B2B. 

Communication and formal exchanges are triggered to be part of our machine learning.
A big part of our funding foundation is aiming to get

automatonlike quantum starting with various legal options for our affiliates to already play in >

Fidelity program


Plasmic spots

"CLUB" events


ENTITLEd event

Promote yourselves

Event yours

Be self

Personal* projects

Welcome yourself

*public persons with the aim of promoting the activity of general interest in which they are engaged and according to branching eligibility (affiliated blockchain voting).

Partner is a big word

- Connecting wasn't easier (Click to Event/understand dialog)

EVENTHALL in the making

Brœvents ART Brussels - Saying hi
Brœvents ART Brussels - Saying hi
Bouillon Bruxelles - Diner Direction
Bouillon Bruxelles - Diner Direction
Evénement Parti Socialiste
Evénement Parti Socialiste
Evénement Parti Socialiste
Evénement Parti Socialiste
Action Village - pré-Gala
Action Village - pré-Gala
Présentations sur l'immigration marocaine à la jeunesse avec Quiz's intéractives organisé par le psychiatre Dr TK
Action Village - Gala Bruxelles
Action Village - Gala Bruxelles
Educateur IPPJ Fédération, AG Action Village et président _
Dr TK -  Signature livre
Dr TK - Signature livre
Dr Toufiq KHALIL (Dr TK). Fondateur et formateur du programme GLOBule. Psychiatre infanto-juvénile, thérapeute systémicien et expert en Bien-être psychologique
Action Village - Special invitee Ilham Kadri
Action Village - Special invitee Ilham Kadri
Ilham Kadri is a Moroccan business executive with a scientific background. Since March 1, 2019, she has been the CEO, chairwoman of the executive committee and a member of the Board of Directors of Solvay, a Belgian chemicals company now Syensqo.
Action Village - Gala
Action Village - Gala
Regardez ces personnages public
Action Village - Gala
Action Village - Gala
Action Village - Gala Speech
Action Village - Gala Speech
Sven Gatz
Minister van de Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering, belast met Financiën, Begroting, Openbaar Ambt, de Promotie van meertaligheid en van het Imago van Brussel.
Action Village - Gala Présentation Latifa Aït-Baala
Action Village - Gala Présentation Latifa Aït-Baala
Latifa Aït-Baala est députée francophone bruxelloise.
Elle siège au banc numéro 66.
Concert Turc représentatif Kenan Erer
Concert Turc représentatif Kenan Erer
Direction @ Kenan Erer - Brussels Crow presentator
Brœvents Art Brussels - Saying hi
Brœvents Art Brussels - Saying hi
Sport Event - Organisation Football Game
Sport Event - Organisation Football Game
Brœvents Brussels - Saying hi
Brœvents Brussels - Saying hi
370 trees
370 trees
370 small fruit trees were planted by benevolent bravehearts on 14/03/'24 near agricultural lands where water wells were drilled and the site of acre land is planned to suit growth. The funds of this action were raised by inhabitants and visitors of the region. A project we led together remotely; this action brings forth personal naming of sites ''X' Forest Memories' for future funders. Thanks by
370 trees
370 trees
370 small fruit trees were planted by benevolent bravehearts on 14/03/'24 near agricultural lands where water wells were drilled and the site of acre land is planned to suit growth. The funds of this action were raised by inhabitants and visitors of the region. A project we led together remotely; this action brings forth personal naming of sites ''X' Forest Memories' for future funders. Thanks by



